MicroHAMS Club Meeting Notes - June 17, 2014
Phil Moscinski, N2EU
David Jenni, W7CF
Scott Slack, KD7VBS
Wayne, KE7WTW
Peter Glaskowsky, K4PNG
Michael Schulz, K5TRI
Mokhtar Khorshid
Larry Viesse, W7PAN
David, KG7LEO
Michael Gray, AJ6E
Brad Snow, N1QEW
David Wyatt, KG7LVL
Tim Myers, KK7TM
News / events
• Icom visit – July meeting, perhaps. Need a confirmation still. Stay tuned.
• MicroHAMs will not have a formal meeting in August, but we can get together for dinner and chat.
• ARRL Kids Day, June 21, http://www.arrl.org/news/kids-day-is-saturday-june-21
• Chehalis Hamfest, July 26, http://www.cvars.org/
• Salmon NW QRP club at Valley Camp by North Bend, July 11-14, http://valleycamp.org/page/salmoncon
• Scouting & HAM radio activities – contact Tim Myers kk7tm@kk7tm.com
• More upcoming events: http://www.n7cfo.com/amradio/hf/hf.htm
MicroHAMS and Snohomish ACS ARRL Field Day
Saturday, June 28, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM at the Everett EOC
We need a headcount now.
Please click the following link for event details and a signup.
SEA-PAC Update
~3,000 HAMs attended
Friday conference
Contesting – notes available from Tim Myers kk7tm@kk7tm.com upon request
Mesh Workshop
HAMfest – tons of stuff for sale
Scott Honaker, N7SS, gave a super presentation on the Oso landslide disaster.
There were many presentations, 6 tracks wide, all day.
http://seapac.org presentations should be available soon
Rotator Project
In progress. We’re recruiting volunteers for software development.
3D Printing
Phil has a 3D printer that he built and has many lessons learned.
He might bring it to a MicroHAMS July or September meeting.
HAM Help
Inside Microsoft
Sorry, this part is for Microsofties and vendors only.
See the Microsoft Garage http://garage (on corpnet).
There are two MSFT-internal Yammer groups about HAM radio.
There are also a couple MSFT-internal DLs: hamradio and ercham