MicroHAMS Digital Conference Wrap-Up

The video from the live stream is now available on YouTube.(Link)  At some point in the future, each session will be edited down (with more camera angles, etc.) and links will be made available on the MicroHAMS web site.

In the mean time, the stream is available and the actual presentations can be downloaded from the MHDC 2016 page.  The agenda with the original presentation times and YouTube stream start times is below.

A video interview with Jeremy-NH6Z is also available now, Jeremy shows off the NWDigitalRadio products demo’d at the conference.(Link)


Time YouTube


Speaker Presentation
8:45 Scott N7SS Introductions
9:00 0:00 Ward Silver Ham Radio – Now What?
10:00 1:01 Alex Schwarz MSDR Radio Software
11:00 1:59 Casey Halverson/Morgan Redfield Hamshield Kickstarter
12:00 Lunch
1:15 2:58 Curt Black RAMROD Digital
1:30 3:13/3:17 Bryan Hoyer NW Digital Radio UDRX
2:30 Break
2:45 4:26 John Petrich Homebrew VHF-UHF+ SDR
3:45 Break
4:00 5:32 Phil Horkin Line of Sight MIMO